Resources and Opportunities

音乐系为学生提供参加乐团的机会, take music lessons, borrow from an extensive collection of instruments, 并获得奖学金或助学金,从事需要外部或额外资源的特殊项目. 


对于各种音乐背景的学生来说,在买球平台音乐学院,合奏是一种沉浸在音乐中的好方法. 所有级别的技术设施都为学生提供机会.





Individual Performance Studies are open to all Bowdoin students. Currently, lessons are offered in: classical piano, jazz piano, classical voice, pop/jazz voice, guitar, jazz guitar, cello, violin, viola, harp, oud, jazz bass, clarinet, French horn, trombone, trumpet, flute, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, and percussion.

Applied Music Scholarships

For students who are on financial aid, scholarships are available to cover the cost of music lessons for credit. 

Scholarships are supported by the following funds:

  • Isaacson Family Applied Music Scholarship Fund
  • 贾德森基金,由罗恩和凯西·贾德森为纪念托德·贾德森,1998届毕业生而设立
  • Friends Fund, given by the Association of Bowdoin Friends

For more information about applied music scholarships, please see Clare MacKenzie (Gibson Hall Room 103).

如果学生获得奖学金并被要求购买乐谱, there are two options for financial assistance with those purchases. 学生可以询问他们的教务处是否可以提供资金来偿还他们, or they can contact Delmar Small (in the music department) who can purchase the score directly.

Institutional Fellowships

Institutional fellowships are administered through the Office of Student Fellowships and Research.